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Our Projects

What we bring to you

Better, Together.


We will bring projects and activities to build a community that wants to connect, communicate, and value others.

We believe this is a way to help individuals and groups discover and discuss what our Creator God has told us.


We have learned that barriers to hearing Him are monumental. We have removed as many barriers as we can. We will bring studies, discussion, and other resources to help build a restoring relationship with your Creator. Come back regularly as there will be updates.


We want to be a part of this worldwide revival of restoration with our Creator and each other. Be a part, make a difference, send this link to everyone you know or meet in the future. Share, so the whole world will say OK “Now You Know” and be restored. The answer for our world is here.


Our author told us to produce this, and the Holy Spirit will inspire others to take it to the world.   

A way to help individuals and groups discover and discuss what our Creator God has told us.

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